Halifax – Acadian Recorder

1724 Granville Street

At 1724, on Granville Street, near the Province House, you will find an exclusive building with a beginning that brings us back to the 19th century in a totally different setting. The modest in size structure completed in 1900 and the choice of material show special characteristics that are still trending today. The exterior look with a flat roof, mix of grey stone and black finish material and the windows with different outlines and touches are, to me, totally chic still today. Its beauty, like many other constructions of the time, is also their single divergent design.

The building was built to home one of the longest running newspapers, the Acadian Recorder, which established its head office at this location.  They had been in business since 1813 and were publishing a weekly paper. Announcements, marriage, death, thanks, rentals, special merchandise available at the grocery store, advertisements, ship arrivals and sailings shared the space with news that went beyond  local information.

In the mid-19th century, newspapers were the most popular way to pass information and consequently, there were many newspapers in the region. Every Saturday morning, the company, founded by Mr. Anthony Holland, shared information with the population. They stayed at this address until 1930.

It is hard to believe, but some data shows that at one point in the mid-19th century there were 80 newspapers operating in Nova Scotia. The city was expanding and at the time there were just over 25,000 habitants in Halifax.