New York City – Liberty Park

Liberty Street

Not to be confused with Liberty State Park in New Jersey or Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty is located or the old Liberty Park which is now Zuccotti Park, the Liberty Park of 2024 is located on Liberty Street across the street from the 9/11 Memorial. The park, being elevated, gives a view overlooking the memorial and is surrounded by works and commemorative monuments while it greens the roof of the garage of the Security Vehicle Center of the World Trade Center.

It is, finally, in this park that we find the Sphere created in 1971 by the sculptor Fritz Koenig which was originally located on the Central Plaza of the WTC and miraculously recovered from the rubble. Also, there is the America’s Response Monument, St. Nicholas National Shrine, which had to be rebuilt and a young shoot of the Anne Frank tree. A few benches are available to take a break.

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