New York City – High Line 

I don’t think the city expected to have so much enthusiasm, praise and references to this revamped rail track. The efforts of two local men have brought about this revitalization and transformation project, which deserves to be recognized and explored. They managed to convince elected municipal officials that it is possible to clean up a disused site, instead of destroying it, and transform it into a pleasant and enviable place.

At the beginning of 1847, the freight train traveled at ground level with carts, horse carriages, bicycles and walkers but there were many accidents. To avoid traffic arteries, a suspended railway line was built in 1930. However, shortly after, wheeled transport expanded, and rail transport slowed down to the point that several railway lines stopped their services, including this one, in 1980.

After 30 years of inactivity and neglect, the strong aerial structure has found a new direction. The West Side Line, which runs parallel to the Hudson River near the Meatpacking District, has been redeveloped into a green public space.

The High Line linear park currently extends approximately 2.3km (1.4 miles) and is easily walked in both directions between the Hudson Yards and the northern edge of the Chelsea district. Sometimes, the walking speed is conditioned by the presence of people but it is possible to take a break on one of the benches along the route. If you can, take the time to stop and admire the surrounding structures, the artistic works, the parts of the railway tracks integrated into the decor, or the view of 10th Avenue.

This new air, given to this place with its plants, trees, flowers, benches, tables, and terraces, attracts new commercial and luxury residential constructions which come to lean against the park.

Even at 9 meters above the ground, it is possible to access the park by numerous stairs or elevators along the route.

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Combine this activity with the Vessel, the Shed, Hudson River Park, Little Island